Hey 👋
Welcome to the Weekly Tech Crunch, where we bring exciting news and tools to enhance your coding experience!
Explore the React Graph Gallery, offering live demonstrations of various charts and graphs built with React, explanations, and code samples.
Discover the MDX Editor, a powerful Markdown editor component for React apps that supports code blocks, tables, and more.
Demystify React Server Components with Next.js 13 through a tutorial-style exploration of this new topic. Drive.js is a vanilla JavaScript library that allows you to create on-page tours, highlights, and contextual help systems without any dependencies.
Prettier 3.0, a popular code formatter, receives a significant upgrade with a transition to ES modules.
Dive into testing dark scenarios of a Node.js app, handling timeouts, code mutations, and managing zombie processes.
Don't miss the opportunity to build a Google Shopping Clone from scratch using Next.js 13.4 and more. Congratulations to Edison for landing their first Mobile App Client with the support of the PAPAFAM community!
Lastly, the recommended book "Soft Skills" by John Sonmez provides actionable steps to navigate your software development career successfully. Enjoy your tech-filled journey and learning experience!