Hey 👋
Welcome to your Weekly Tech Crunch, filled with amazing tools to elevate your coding workflow!
Learn how React 18 enhances application performance through concurrent rendering, transitions, and Suspense.
Explore creating custom Raycast extensions with React, enabling the app to perform even more tricks. Discover how to implement push notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging in React Native.
Dive into the journey of static typing entering the JavaScript world, as discussed in GitHub's ReadME project. Storybook 7.1 introduces in-app onboarding for new team members and zero-config styling support for Tailwind and MUI.
Explore updating code with jscodeshift while dealing with breaking changes in TypeORM.
Don't miss the chance to build a Google Shopping Clone from scratch using Next.js 13.4 and more.
Congratulations to Walker Lillard for securing a 6-figure job with the support of the PAPAFAM community.
Lastly, the recommended book "Clean Code" by Robert Martin advocates for writing clean, maintainable code to avoid unnecessary resource losses. Enjoy your tech-filled journey, and continue to elevate your coding expertise!